
Showing posts from 2014

Share button may be sharing your browsing history, investigators discover

                 A new study by researchers at KU Leuven (University of Leuven, Belgium) and Princeton University has revealed a secret method by which websites track users without their consent using a previously undetected cookie-like tracking mechanism embedded in 'share' buttons. About one in 18 of the world's top 1,00,000 websites are breaching users' privacy through this. Using hidden codes, the mechanism gets important information about the user's browser type, graphics card, system fonts and even display properties, according to a statement by KU Leuven. Because this grouping of data is highly likely to be unique for each user, it can be reliably associated to individual users, like a fingerprint. This is called " canvas fingerprinting ". Once a website has determined a device's fingerprint, it can easily recognize the user on subsequent site visits, much in the same way cookies do. But while unwanted cookies can be flagged or blocked to

Your friend’s face can be your new password. :)

LONDON: A new authentication system that asks you to identify faces familiar to you could spell end of passwords. Decades of psychological research has found that humans can recognize familiar faces across a wide range of images, even when their image quality is poor. In contrast, recognition of unfamiliar faces is tied to a specific image — so much so that different photos of the same unfamiliar face are often thought to be different people.   The new system, called Facelock, exploits this psychological effect to create a new type of authentication system whose details are published in the journal PeerJ.  Familiarity with a particular face determines a person's ability to identify it across different photographs and as a result a set of faces that are known only to a single individual can be used to create a personalized 'lock'.  Access is then granted to anyone who demonstrates recognition of the faces across images, and denied to anyone who does not.  To register w

Bye street light: Now, a road in Netherlands that glows in dark

 Lights in the Netherlands. It is the first time "glowing lines" technology has been piloted on the road and can be seen on the N329 in Oss, approximately 100km south east of Amsterdam.  Designer and innovator Daan Roosegaarde teamed up with Dutch civil engineering firm Heijmans to develope A first glow-in-the-dark 'smart highway' spanning 500 metres has been developed to replace street d the technology. The glow-in-the-dark markings are made of paint that contains "photo-luminising" powder which charges up in the daytime and slowly releases a green glow at night, 'BBC News' reported.   Once the paint has absorbed daylight it can glow for up to eight hours in the dark, doing away with the need for street lights. The innovative technology will be officially launched later this month and if successful could trigger a mass switch-off of lighting across the country's road network, potentially saving the nation millions of Euros.  Heijmans said

Addition of two numbers using servlet,ajax call and displaying result in alert box

Hi all,         Today my post will be technical oriented.Its about Servlet and ajax.  First Step:       * Open the Eclipse IDE and create New->Dynamic Web project       * Go to WebContent->WEB-INF->web.xml. Paste the following code.             web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">   <display-name>FirstAjaxCall</display-name>   <welcome-file-list>     <welcome-file>ajaxserv.html</welcome-file>   </welcome-file-list>   <servlet>     <description></description>     <display-name>AjaxServlet</display-na

How to keep your search history 'private'

Very Good morning all,       I think most of us know to clear browse history,especially guys knows it very well... if u know what i mean.       But still some may not know about clearing it.For your kind Info all our browser will have the option of saving browser history that would record each and every page u go,if someone using your used browser they could see all the pages you've gone.      Our browser history information will have all our personal traits. Advertisements companies will use it for targeting you through your browser history and hackers may find your pass keys too.        " Cookies are nothing but temporary storage of your browser "      The main thing is that "COOKIES",it will store what ever u do like filling forms,browser actions etc., The best way of not to be tracked is disabling the "Accept cookies" option.     To disable browser history and cookies capture,go to setting and disable it. All browser will have it. Re

Twitter acquisition

Hi All,  " Twitter has acquired the Android lockscreen app ". There might be a few updates in that app in near future.    They have mentioned like " Twitter may come out with a "Twitter For Android launcher" and may push contextual tweets and direct messages directly to the lockscreen of a user ".   This app will be very useful for those who tweets all the time and those who need to get updated with the current news.           For more info: