Creating a simple datable Jquery

Hi all,

Working in  JQuery is simple as that of javascript. It has a pulgin Datatable. Which we have many options while creating a table. Lets see how we can create a simple Datatable using JSON call.

1. You have to create a <table id=""></table>.

2.To that table id we have to append <thead> with <tr id="footerid">------------</tr></thead>.

3. The ----- in the previous point to be filled with number of columns u are going to display in the datatable. It should be exactly same number of columns from the JSON result.

4.Lets create a datatable "(#tableid).datatable({})".

5. In this we can do our functionalities.

In this we have to mention how our datatable should be displayed.

6. If u need to pass any number of parameters, u have to mention in

"fnServerParams": function(aoData){
            aoData.push({name: "chipName", value: chipName});

7. If u wanna do any functionality after the table is Rendeered completeply. U have to do that functionality inside.

"fnDrawCallback": function (oSettings) {
                 *Your functionality

8. And the main part is displaying the column with values. You have to mention in aoColumnDefs.
You have to mention exactly the returned number of columns in "aTargets".

"aoColumnDefs": {"aTargets": [0], "bVisible": true}
                             {"aTargets": [n], "bVisible": true}

If you are returning 10 values friom JSON u have create column defintion with aTargets of "aTargets [10]" values.

That's it. Your datatable will be created.

Please be careful on returning data from JSON.

Here i have used "sAjaxSource": "your JSON call"

If U want to display a particular column with some changes, U can read my previous post.

If u have any queries, Mention in comment box

More about datatable


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